Below services are comprehensive elements of
The Soul Program.
Mental Health Wellness Seminars
After initial intake appointment, we can refer you to our regularly scheduled seminar.
Hosted Biweekly by our Mental Health Physicians
Interactive Educational Maintenance Therapy
Exploring Root Causes of Mental Illness and Addiction.
Teaching Common Therapeutic Tactics and Techniques (CBT, DBT, 12 Step, Yoga Meditation & Mindfulness, Boundaries, Co-Dependence)
Destigmatizing Mental Health Issues and Addiction
Group Support Therap
After initial intake appointment, we can refer you to regularly scheduled group support therapy. We will place you in a group with care and consideration to your situation, with similar individuals, where we think you will fit in well
Biweekly and weekly
Addiction and mental health groups
Study CBT, DBT, Educational Books
Supportive Environment Including Check-ins
Addiction Relapse Prevention
Destigmatizing Mental Health Issues and Addiction: you are not alone, your problem is not abnormal
Individual Counselling
After initial intake appointment with one of our physicians , we can refer you to the correct resource including:
Individual Counselling through our one of our physicians
Our PCN Mental Health Nurse
Other Physicians within our network and clinic
PCN Psychologists
Private Counselling
Corporation: Schedule a Presentation
We are happy to provide customization corporate wellness education during the times which work best for you (lunch hour, full or half day sessions). Common session topics include:
Effective Critical Thinking
Mindfulness and Relaxation, Self Care
Finding Flow: Cooperation with Others
Destigmatizing Mental Health & Addiction
Manage Stress: Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual techniques